DRTP ModPack | The atmosphere of the “old WoT”

Discord server of the main authors — https://discord.gg/Q9SbCYbB9A ● CONTENT・ Sounds and music from old versions of WoT;・ A large number of changes in the combat interface and the hangar interface;・ “Colored” mini-map, circles of illumination;・ Equipment and projectile icons;・ Fonts (PC);・ No mat filter;・ White corpses of tanks, colored shell hits;・ Tank explosion effect. ● MAIN AUTHORSDorTep – most things;pryaniki_wotb – sounds, lack of a mat filter;Volvo456 – is a great help for small files.

Remodeling T110E3 «Welsh Blues»

HD + PBR + camouflage support WG & Lesta / Android & PC

Remodeling of «Igelschneutzchen Waffles»

Mod pack of realistic skins for level 10

Mod-Pack replaces textures of more than 60 tanks of tier 10 and some of their Legendary camouflages with a more realistic look.Thanks to drnkwtr, for help in porting to Android. ・Realistic look of tanks (or close).・For Tanks Blitz there are no tanks that are not in PBR;・Works on any graphics settings;

Hangar «‎Halloween 2019»

Remodeling «Rhm.-Borsig Igelschneutzchen»

The order removes all responsibility from you. Dear Elzo, we will obey the order and return home. I promise you that.

«Shikanoko Noko» Crew Voice

The main voiceover is ‘Shikanoko Noko’ from the anime series Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Imagine a deer driving a tank – let’s roll out and give them some deer cookies!

Remodeling E-100 «Cannon Boss»

➡️ HD + PBR / Android + PC / WG + Lesta ➡️ Cool effects in battle ➡️ Hellish circle around the tank when killing an opponent ➡️ Halloween theme

Remodeling «FV217 Badger Mordred»

The model has been updated for Android. Added support for body kits, fixed crashes, fixed track rotation. The model uses textures of a Level 1 Cruiser II tank, so it breaks textures and may conflict with some remodeling.

Voice acting of the Red Fury crew

The Red Fury is a series of comics published by Bubble Comics about Agent Nick Chaikina. Together with his teammates — survival specialist Joshua Donato, signalman Yang Wang, retired military officer Arthur Huxley and assault specialist Lotta Lemke — the Red Fury is looking for the “Holy Grail”. The voice acting turned out to be very good and with a twinkle, and thanks to an attractive female voice and sharp phrases, it will give the game its own unique charm. The Red Fury voice acting has also been ported to the Blitz game and replaces the standard voice acting in the Ukrainian client (UK) and Russian (ru).

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