Cluster Ban

The program allows you to edit the hosts file on your computer to lock or unlock game clusters. The user-friendly interface is divided into tabs for Wargaming and Lesta clusters, which allows you to manage them separately. Main functions ✔️Blocking clusters:🔘Run the program as administrator🔘Select a tab (Wargaming or Lesta).🔘Check the desired clusters using the checkboxes.🔘Click the “Block selected” button.🔘The selected clusters will be added to the hosts file, and their addresses will no longer be accessible. ✔️Unblocking all clusters:🔘On the selected tab, click the “Unblock all” button.🔘All records about the clusters of this tab will be deleted from the hosts file. ✔️Messages:🔘If no clusters are selected, a warning will be displayed.🔘If you try to block all clusters at once, an error message will be displayed.🔘After the operation is successfully completed, a confirmation notification will be displayed. Program Author: Brixxvan

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