Gun sounds «Thunder guns»

After downloading and installing the thunder guns mod once, you will stay with them for a very long time and will look forward to its adaptation with each new patch. Such popularity was not acquired by accident. The sounds that are used in this voice acting are really much cooler and brighter than the standard counterpart. If you turn them on on good speakers, then believe me, all your neighbors will know that you are playing tanks. Subscribe to the channel of the author of the video, because only thanks to your activity, its modifications come out with us!

Old gun sounds

Not everyone liked the new sounds of shots, which is why this mod appeared, bringing back the old sounds of shots.

Remodeling «Valhallan Ragnarok» [KV-2]

In the 41st millennium, there is only endless war, where there was also a place for the premium heavy tank KV-2 (P), designed in the style of Valhallan Ragnarok. In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the Valhallan Ice Warriors are known as one of the most resilient and determined regiments of the Astra Militarum. Now you can fight under their banner on the KV-2 (R) that brings destruction! Warhammer 40,000, Valhallan, Mordian and Astra Militarum

Remodeling «HD Chieftain Mk.6»

Outside – a low hull with a predatory shark nose and a ricochet tower, hung with devices for all occasions of battle. A long-barreled gun with an ejector and in a thermally insulating casing is ready to make a ridicule of holes out of enemy armor. Inside – a technical stuffing ahead of its time. Perhaps the commander of the Chieftain Mk.6 would be better suited not for a tanker uniform, but for a stylish secret agent tuxedo. Take command, sir!

Remodeling «Storm» [TVP 50/51]

From the diary of A. M.: „Today I did what I had to. It was pure luck to run into Kilmore’s unit at the very moment when his guys needed additional fire support. I might not have been their savior, but my assistance really came in handy. I believe so, at least! He started nagging at me again, but this time, I didn’t feel the anger that had been in his words before. I just want to prove to him that I can handle a tank as well as a scalpel. I can be a really big help on the battlefield, not just at the hospital. If he stops being so stubborn and allows me to fight, he’ll see that I’m the trusted companion he needs.”

[*] Remodeling «T22SR»

[*] Remodeling «Hummer H2» [M41D]

[*] Remodeling «Lorraine 40t»

[*] Remodeling «Skoda T56»

[*] Remodeling «Marengo» [Bat.-Chatillon 25t]

“From the diary of the driver of the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t, a tank named by the crew in honor of Napoleon Bonaparte’s favorite horse: “How ironic. And it seems that our “Arab stallion” returned home, but we are just guests here. And whether WE will return home is just for our faithful Marengo to decide. I hope he doesn’t decide to stay here forever. How I want to see beautiful France again…”

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