Remodeling Object 907 «Basalt» + «Burnout»

3d-style «Burnout» replaces legendary camouflage. Lesta – Android & PC. WG – PC ONLY! It won’t work for mobile devices.

Tiger 2 Green Savage

Animated body-kit «Sensei»

Sensei, when video will be done? Changes pumpkin body-kit

Yorha No.2 Type B «BatChat 25t»

there’s animation when you activate speed booster/intraclip reload boost Glowing red animation has been removed

Remodeling Bat.-Chatillon 25 t “Foudre”

«Foudre» —«It looked like some kind of joke until I got inside. Are they serious? Putting almost an entire power plant in a steel box? It’s like a transformer box! They always write warnings on them, and then — get inside with the whole crew, fight. But no, they still found the opportunity to use carbolite and rubber to insulate everything. Thank you, they took that into account. That’s just that no one thought to make normal ventilation, and now, if we don’t get burned by our own lightning, then we will definitely cook in this wild heat and stuffiness. I just recently fought for Bir Hakame, I just forgot this terrible heat – but no. I left Africa, but she found me again».

Crew voice “The Last Waffentrager 2020”

The voiceover, which I secretly used for more than a month, is now available for general use. I don’t even have anything to say here, just watch the video and feel the power of this powerful voice of a true tanker fighting against his sworn enemy – Max von Krieger. Epic commentary on any events in battle is guaranteed to you. Have a nice game!

AMX 50B with 3 marks on the barrel

Remodeling «IS-8 HD»

The mod is intended only for the LESTA GAMES client

60TP with 3 marks on the barrel

Remodeling «CS 63 HD»

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