Hangar «Yamato – evening»

The evening version of Yamato Hangar. Thanks to Qirashi Mintos for the help in creating

Hangar «Yamato – night»

Ночная версия ангара Ямато. За помощь в создании спасибо Qirashi Mintos

IGR Hangar | Hangar in the cave

Transferred and recreated in Wot hangar from BB in the cave. There are no special clickable components in the hangar, but lighting, particles and some visual effects have been restored. The hangar was created jointly with XomKa.

Hangar «Middleburg»

The hangar is in a very good place on the map of Middleburg. Perhaps in the future it will be supplemented or somehow changed… — A platoon hangar has been added.

Redesigned battle entry queue screen

Reworks the battle entry queue screen: 1) The tank icon is enlarged 3 times 2) The remaining elements have been moved to the right side 3) The art corresponding to the selected game mode is displayed in the background. 4) Other tweaks (background for the exit button, reducing the vertical space occupied by elements, etc)

[11.8 LESTA | 11.6 WG] Hidden Tanks «Extended Tech Tree»

You can’t buy tanks from the mod. And then it won’t work either. And we will not be able to make it possible to buy them. Not at all. Just look. If some premium or collectible tanks are missing with the mod, you must additionally install the mod in the Documents/Tanks Blitz/packs (Lesta) folder and in the AppData/Local/wotblitz/packs (Wargaming) folder

[*] Colored hit-markers (decals)

Penetration marks (colored) for easier recognition of hit markers.

New hit sprites (decals)

New piercing effects, which were made entirely by hand, are aimed at creating a “WOW” effect. Missed projectiles, hot metal will not give you advantages in battle, but will definitely add new colors to what is happening WotBlitz.

Battle CaptureProgressBar BB

Radar / light circles on the mini-map from WoT

This modification will add a radar from the BB to the game! The icon of your tank, the field of view will change, and light circles will appear!ATTENTION: Mod does not provide any information and advantages in battle! Made solely for beauty.

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