Restyling «Cloudy Castilla»

Администратор ForBlitz

The design of this map has been changed from bright and sunny to dim and cloudy. The lighting, some visual effects and the weather have been changed. It’s raining on the map right now.

Added effects:
– Rain particles on high graphics.
– Lightning flashes behind the map.
– Dust from gusts of wind.
– Visual effects of water.

Installation guide


Unzip the archive, move the Data folder to the game directory with a replacement


Using the ForBlitz application, click the "Install" button

Mod doesn't work

For the automatic installation through our application to work, you need to install all the textures of the game to the internal memory of the device (not to the SD card).


If the mod does not work or it fails to install, please contact us in the VK group

Главная » Map restyles » Restyling «Cloudy Castilla»
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