Redesigned battle entry queue screen


    Reworks the battle entry queue screen:
    1) The tank icon is enlarged 3 times
    2) The remaining elements have been moved to the right side
    3) The art corresponding to the selected game mode is displayed in the background.
    4) Other tweaks (background for the exit button, reducing the vertical space occupied by elements, etc)

    Installation guide


    Unzip the archive, move the Data folder to the game directory with a replacement


    Using the ForBlitz application, click the "Install" button

    Mod doesn't work

    For the automatic installation through our application to work, you need to install all the textures of the game to the internal memory of the device (not to the SD card).


    If the mod does not work or it fails to install, please contact us in the VK group

    window.yaContextCb.push(()=>{ Ya.Context.AdvManager.render({ "blockId": "R-A-587564-13", "type": "fullscreen", "platform": "touch" }) })