Christmas download music from BB

This modification will give you a New Year’s atmosphere in the game! Now, instead of the old, familiar melodies, when loading a battle, new ones from the World of Tanks will play! All of them are diverse, and everyone will find their favorite music to their taste 🙂

Music of the battle results from the BB

Boot Music GuP

The mod replaces the music on loading, the music of victory, defeat and draw.Excellent voice acting for loading music and battle results. Perfect to dilute the boring environment in the game, it also goes very well with loading screens «Girls und Panzer»

Voice acting «Atmospheric Commander»

Excellent informative voice acting of the crew from Evgenia Arbus, known among many players for the voice acting of Grandfather Beard or Grandfather Front-line soldier – Atmospheric Commander (Kolobanov). Quick command and Six sense lamp are on.

Voice of the crew «Ermelinda Jung»

New voice acting for the Ermelinda Jung crew from the Waffentrager: Legacy game event World of Tanks for WoT Blitz. Six sense lamp sounds enabled

Female voiceover from World of Tanks

Female voice acting of the crew from BB. It is recommended to enable national voice acting in the game settings.

Male voiceover from World of Tanks

Male voice acting of the crew from BB. It is recommended to enable national voice acting in the game settings.

Gun sounds «Thunder guns»

After downloading and installing the thunder guns mod once, you will stay with them for a very long time and will look forward to its adaptation with each new patch. Such popularity was not acquired by accident. The sounds that are used in this voice acting are really much cooler and brighter than the standard counterpart. If you turn them on on good speakers, then believe me, all your neighbors will know that you are playing tanks. Subscribe to the channel of the author of the video, because only thanks to your activity, its modifications come out with us!

Old gun sounds

Not everyone liked the new sounds of shots, which is why this mod appeared, bringing back the old sounds of shots.

[*] Voiceover «Mikhail Galustyan»

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