Old joystick from 1.0 update

This mod returns the joystick from the first versions of the game. The mod has been updated to the current version of the game

[*] Джойстик 360-градусов из «Tank Company Mobile»

[*] Джойстик Восьминаправленный из «Tank Company Mobile»

[*] Черный джойстик

Простой минималистичный джойстик

[*] Джойстик «Стекло из Майнкрафта»

Джойстик в виде стекла из Майнкрафта

[*] Джойстик «Блок из Майнкрафта»

Джойстик в виде блока земли из Майнкрафта.

Icons of shells from BB!

This mod changes the icons of ordinary shells to more beautiful ones from large tanks!

Icons «HD equipment from World of Tanks»

This modification will change the standard equipment textures to beautiful, in HD quality from wot !

Booster icons from WoT

The modification will turn not very remarkable booster icons into more beautiful ones from WoT! Now each booster will have its own unique icon, which is unlike any other (except gold) 🙂

Sight with 2D chan

now changes only 1 scope

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