Cluster Ban

The program allows you to edit the hosts file on your computer to lock or unlock game clusters. The user-friendly interface is divided into tabs for Wargaming and Lesta clusters, which allows you to manage them separately. Main functions ✔️Blocking clusters:🔘Run the program as administrator🔘Select a tab (Wargaming or Lesta).🔘Check the desired clusters using the checkboxes.🔘Click the “Block selected” button.🔘The selected clusters will be added to the hosts file, and their addresses will no longer be accessible. ✔️Unblocking all clusters:🔘On the selected tab, click the “Unblock all” button.🔘All records about the clusters of this tab will be deleted from the hosts file. ✔️Messages:🔘If no clusters are selected, a warning will be displayed.🔘If you try to block all clusters at once, an error message will be displayed.🔘After the operation is successfully completed, a confirmation notification will be displayed. Program Author: Brixxvan

Upscaled Minimaps (x2)

Universal Hangar Installer for PC

Each seasonal hangar previously needed to be updated on the site, and every time you update dozens of hangars, you really don’t want to. Therefore, we have developed a hangar installer that works great with seasonal hangars (and automatically puts the mod with the hangar in the micropatch folder). Instruction manual: You can thank the developer here ( ) (thanks 🫶)

Old fonts [Lesta PC Only]

ONLY FOR PC. Returns the old fonts as before the 10.11 update. Some elements may not match completely, because many things were changed manually by the developers to match the new fonts!

[11.6 LESTA / 11.4 WG] ModPack BB

— I am glad to present to you my modpack, created more than a year ago! On a PC, the installation is performed by a special automatic installer. It includes the following modifications: — Crew voice acting, sounds of shots, hits, reloading, loading music into battle, button pressing sounds and other sound effects from Big Brother (World of Tanks)— Changed the interface in battle (moved the interface from BB)— Changed hangar icons from V_Solflare— Custom hangar and battle effects— Changed flags— Repeat Mod— Lighting lamp from BB— Loading screens in the game— 2 sets of sights from BB on PC— Loading screens from BB— Minimalistic hangar to choose from— Circles of light on the minimap — ATTENTION! Mod pack for ANDROID and PC is different! Some mods work only when sewn into the APK. This cannot be implemented for automatic installation!— ATTENTION TO THOSE WHO DO NOT TRUST THE INSTALLER! Just don’t download it and don’t open it. So far, no 1 person has proven that I am allegedly “spreading Trojans”. The reasons for such a reaction of antivirus programs are the lack of a signature and the application. I don’t have the money to pay for the signature every month!— THE BUILD IS TEMPORARILY NOT AVAILABLE ON ANDROID!!!

SkyGFX Extended Edition PC

Description:Own advanced SkyGFX graphics setup from the GTA team!The purpose of this mod is to update GTA SA graphics without using ENB and get a beautiful picture. List of changes:-The effects have been updated and new rain effects have appeared.-The draw distance and traffic loading distance have been increased.-Lights, reflections, shadows have appeared.-The time cycle has been changed. Installation:1. Open with any archiver SkyGFX+Effects.rar2. From the SkyGFX+Effects folder of the same name, move the files to the root folder of your GTA San Andreas.3. Graphics mod installed. Idea, release preparation:Fyrac. Authors:Other authors, including links to sources, are listed in a text file inside the archive.

CJ Remastered (CJ INSANITY) PC

CJ Remastered (CJ INSANITY) PC! Своя доработанная сборка CJ Remastered (CJ INSANITY) от команды GTA-шников!Имеются также предыдущие версии этой модификации, но в этом релизе мы постарались проработать всё до мелочей и даже больше! Список изменений:-Доработаны все что есть причёски CJ-я-Доработана обычная одежда-Доработана полностью Спецодежда-Исправлены ошибки предыдущих версий-Некоторые элементы одежды взяты из GTA 5 и Online-Вся одежда на ваш выбор: Оптимизированная или в HD качестве Возможно модификация будет меняться в процессе, так что следите за обновлениями. Авторы: Ezekiel, Vitor Mellado, Jéssica Natália (Firefly), Junior_Djjr Доработка, идея а также подготовка релиза:K0T-19-2000, Fyrac Источники и сайты:Наш сайт – ForBlitz.ruГруппа VK с разделом по GTA на –Отдельное спасибо сайтам –,, Remastered 2019 (Mod Loader) – CJ (INSANITY CJ) Обновление от 25.06.20 – Johnson Remastered (INSANITY CJ) –Также был использован контент модификации GTA SA: Next Gen от

Shelby GT500 1967

Модель содержит 34941 полигонов Экстерьер среднего уровня детализации, интерьер низкого уровня детализации Собственная коллизия (обязательно к установке), chassis_vlo Все части автомобиля повреждаемые (кроме крыльев) Собственные настройки, цвета (полосы красятся вторым цветом) Для нормального функционирования этой модели необходим dmagic wheel mod Обязательно следуйте текстовому файлу в архиве ! (открывать с помощью DroidEdit) Оригинальная модель: Real Racing 3 Автор конверта: Богдан Ромейко Мод не поддерживает автоматическую установку!


Мод доступен только на PC/Steam