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Remodeling IS-4 «Newt»

Soviet heavy tank of the tenth level. Although the IS-4 loses to the IS-7 in mobility and maneuverability, frontal armor protection and one—time damage, but it also has its advantages – the side armor is much stronger, the gun has a higher armor penetration rate, better accuracy and rate of fire, as well as more strength points.

Remodeling «T95E6 HD»

Remodeling «Object 263 HD»

Remodeling AMX 50 Foch (155)

Remodeling AMX M4 mle. 54 «Гасконец»

«And he could easily serve until retirement, then – a house somewhere near Toulon. A garden with paved paths, flowerbeds with geraniums, or whatever… Chess club on the weekends. Feed the pigeons. But no, they gave me a tank, they sent me to the end of the world in these endless ice, hold your questions, they say, you will find yourself in place – go for the platoon commander, he knows everything, explains and shows. On the spot it turned out that I was the platoon leader. I don’t like this expedition, I feel in my gut that instead of feeding the pigeons, I risk feeding the crows here. Are there crows here? Is there anything alive here? Why am I writing this, no one will read it anyway. When will this damn blizzard stop?»

Remodeling 121 «Monkey King»

Remodeling WZ121 «Monkey King»

Remodeling KV-2 «Crimson Legion»

«…only dust and black, greasy ash. Burning ground under the caterpillars, and rusty, wind-licked skeletons of enemy equipment. We move on, crunching through the kilometers of these abandoned roads. We look straight ahead and know no doubt, for as the Legion’s marching hymn says:“Eradicate any enemies from the earthFor the glory of the diesel godsLet the fuel flow into the tanks like a river!Our steel beast smells the fight againAnd obey any orderLet’s follow you without fearInto the crucible of a fight!»

Remodeling Kranvagn «Kran4ik»

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