[LESTA] Remodeling «Object 452K Black Knight»

The mod was created by a French modeler under the nickname “DARKOLA”. Adapted by Yujitfd.

Hide timer sound

The mod adds a glow timer sound that will help in certain situations.It also adds the sound of a BB lamp.

Statistics in the carousel (with marks)

A variation of the statistics mod in the carousel specifically for Lesta and her marking system. The value on the top left is the average damage over the last 100 fights; on the bottom left is the mark and how much is left until the next one.

Deleted music from Wot

This mod adds deleted music from older versions of WoT Blitz, namely:• Music of victory, defeat, and draw• Music when downloading the game (PC only)• Pre-fight music

[Lesta Only] Kpz70 “Democrat” skin

The mod modifies the appearance of the German KPz 70, making it more similar to the American style of tank. Beige coloring and emblems, which are typical for US tanks.

[Lesta Only] Old scope customization elements

The mod changes some of the customization elements of the scope to those that were in previous versions of the game. All three old sights have been “returned”. To display them, you need to combine the gun marker and the camera marker.

Minimalistic sight from DaiZrei

A minimalistic sight from the ForBlitz team. Adapted for Tanks Blitz (Lesta) games as well Updated by: DorTep

[Lesta only] WOT-style scope customization

The mod modifies the standard customization of the scope and makes it closer to the one found in World Of Tanks. There are standard green stripes on the sides for the camera marker.Available for customization:● Gun marker (dot, A-shape, crosshair);● Camera marker;● Auto-sight;● The style of the background.

Twilight Map Mod Pack

Mod-Pack changes ALL maps from the normal mode and makes them more atmospheric. The lighting on the maps was not changed, but the textures were darkened, and even standard lighting is not a problem to create a pleasant atmosphere of the late evening. Thanks to drnkwtr, for helping to port to Android. ・ About 30 maps in the Twilight style;・ At maximum settings of Landscape and texture quality, PBR maps become normal (except for the sky);・ HD textures are functional on Android;・ The mod did not touch the lighting, but the textures were darkened.

Large two-level carousel (with statistics on tiles)

・This mod is NOT recommended for small smartphones! There is a risk of some buttons in the hangar being unavailable! ・A version of a two-level carousel with the original size of tank tiles and a mod for statistics in the carousel.

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