Six sense lamps from WoT

The mod replaces the usual and boring 6-sense lamp with a more pleasant one from the BB

Modified Sixth Sense Lamp

Надоела старая лампа засвета? Этот мод поможет разнообразить игру. Со-автор: Revandrunchik

Sight in the form of a dot from the BB (Like Sh0tnik’а)

This modification will make changes to the sight in the game client: now it will become like the popular WoT – Sh0tnik streamer! In the sight, it is based on a small circle, and the marker is a small dot that turns from red to green when pointing at the enemy! A solid circle of information is an undoubted plus. To work correctly, you need to select an A-shaped sight in the game settings.

Sight in the form of points from the WoT (Like Korben Dallas’a)

This mod will provide you with a minimalistic and very convenient sight like that of the popular World of Tanks streamer Korben Dallas!For correct work in the game settings, you must select the A-shaped sight.

Sight in the form of a crosshair from WoT (Like Amway921)

This modification will change the sight, making it in the form of a crosshair like a famous blogger WoT – Amway921!For correct work in the game settings, you must select the A-shaped sight.

Sight in the form of a circle from WoT (Like the_barbarian’а)

This modification will give you the opportunity to play with a minimalistic and very convenient sight like the WoT streamer – the_barbarian! Both arcade and sniper scopes will change.In the settings, you must select the A-shaped sight.

А-figurative sight from WoT (like LeBwa)

● The modification replaces the stock sight with a more pleasant one from the BB, like the blogger LeBwa!● Changed the position of the rangefinder and reload timer● Changed text colors● Circle information in the form of dashes● For correct operation in the game settings, you must select the A-shaped sight.

[18+] Crew voice acting from Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin)

This modification will add the voice acting of the Goblin, or Dmitry Puchkov. Many original phrases, but not for everyone. There is a mat, 18+● For the mod to work correctly in the game settings, you must turn off the national voice acting, if it is enabled.

Music in combat «Hafanana»

This mod will add dynamism to the game! Now fun and groovy music from the 70s will play in battle! Mod for an amateur, maybe not everyone will like it. Recommended for fans of light tanks 🙂

Radar / light circles on the mini-map from WoT

This modification will add a radar from the BB to the game! The icon of your tank, the field of view will change, and light circles will appear!ATTENTION: Mod does not provide any information and advantages in battle! Made solely for beauty.

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